Website Migration (March 14, 2024) - Please be advised that we are in the process of migrating resources from this website to our new website, As we work through this transition, resources will begin to be removed from here and only accessible on The Transport and Courier tools available on our websites will remain where they are until the transition is complete. To explore our new website and the resources available, click here.

Additional Pandemic Restrictions for Ontario & Quebec

Header - Announcement - ENG(1)

April 9, 2021


Additional Pandemic Restrictions for Ontario & Quebec

Dear valued customer, 

The provincial governments in Ontario and Quebec have announced additional closures of what they have deemed to be ‘non-essential’ retail and service providers. 

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with these new restrictions and verify with your specific consignees to confirm if they can accept freight prior to releasing to Midland.

We are not able to store freight that cannot deliver due to these restrictions, so this action will prevent additional handling and cost for shipments that will need to be returned if undeliverable. 

Links to the restrictions for each province can be found here:



Thank you for your support and understanding in this matter.


Midland Transport Ltd.