Website Migration (March 14, 2024) - Please be advised that we are in the process of migrating resources from this website to our new website, As we work through this transition, resources will begin to be removed from here and only accessible on The Transport and Courier tools available on our websites will remain where they are until the transition is complete. To explore our new website and the resources available, click here.

Community Support

Charitable Donations, Sponsorships, and Employee Volunteers

Community - Truck Pull Picture

Request a Donation


Midland Supports Communities 

Midland is proud of the long-established history of supporting our employees and the communities where we live and work through charitable donations, sponsorship, and employee volunteers.

To maximize the impact of our contributions in the communities Midland serves, we support many different causes and transfer our support around to various organizations from year to year.

If you or your organization would like to request our support, please submit your application through the link below. 

Once the request is submitted, you will receive an email confirmation that your application has been received. We receive many requests every year, please allow four to six weeks for your application to be reviewed. 



 Where We Help

 Community Support - Education    Community Support - Health and Wellness



Midland Transport has supported a wide range of 
educational projects which have included high school initiatives such as scholarships, science fairs, yearbook, safe grad, and financial contributions to college and university capital campaigns. In addition, community literacy groups and learning centers have also benefited from our support.


Health and Wellness

Midland Transport has significant involvement with health related charities such as Canadian Cancer Society, Autism, Diabetes, Arthritis, Heart & Stroke, Palliative Care, Prostate Cancer Canada, Ronald McDonald House Charities, and Alzheimer’s by providing assistance to local fundraising initiatives and volunteer.



Community Support - Infrastructure    Community Support - Sports




Community Infrastructure

Community Infrastructure projects such as food banks, libraries, parks, volunteer fire departments, home develop projects and arenas are common areas of involvement. Local parades and festivals also benefit from our support.



Midland Transport has a presence in local and regional level competition in a variety of sports including hockey, ringette, curling, soccer, and baseball. Our primary support of sports related sponsorship is to assist teams where our employee’s children are involved.